Wednesday 6 March 2013

TV & Cinema adverts for Müller Crunchy Fantasy

Client / Client contact information:
Müller Dairy UK                 

Campaign for the launch of a new ice cream product " Müller Crunchy Fantasy" ice cream

1. Background / Overview:
Ice cream penetrates the market with more than 80%, the sales in 2012 reaching £1.1 billion. The market is constantly growing, the sales increasing by 10.4% since 2010, therefore launching a new ice cream product will be a good opportunity. The customers that buy Müller Corner are also the ones that purchase ice cream from different brands, and all we need to do is start persuading them to buy the Müller ice cream.
This is a campaign for the current customers of Müller Corner. We want them to try the new Müller "Crunchy Fantasy" ice cream, which will have the same range of flavours as the Müller Corner range. In certain publications the adverts will come with a coupon for a free ice cream to appeal customers.  

2. What is the objective, the purpose of the ad?
We want people acknowledge the launch of the new Müller "Crunchy Fantasy" ice cream and start buying the product as a regular.

3. Target audience: who are we talking to?
This campaign will be aimed specifically at the existing Müller Corner customers on the UK market. Ice cream is particularly appealing to women and the wealthy, which have above-average consumption. Also for the on-the-go consumers that live in one-person households. 
The primary target will be ABC1 women over 35 years old and C2DE women between the ages of 16 to 34, because they are the ones that are more likely to go shopping for groceries.

4. What's the single most important thing to say?
Müller Crunchy Fantasy combines the fun of Müller Corner with the amazing taste of the ice cream.

5. What are the supporting rational and emotional 'reasons to believe and buy?'
1. It's from Müller - the brand that they already know and purchase
2. They get a coupon for a free ice cream in specific publications
3. It will have the great range of flavours Müller Corner has

6. What else will assist creative development?
User quote: "So good you'll go bananas!"
                      "Help's you chill!"
                      "You'll be nuts for it!"

7. Schedule: What do we need from the creative team? When do we need it?
1. Date 08.02.2013 - presentation and report regarding the expansion in the ice cream market
2. Date 17.02.2013 - initial creative review of rough pencil sketch ideas.
3. Date 22.02.2013 - final ideas for print advertising (computer made).
4. Date 08.03.2013 - final storyboards for TV/Cinema adverts.
5. Date 09.05.2013 - [ digital, print, video, other ] final material delivered to broadcaster / publishers.

Cinema advert
The advert will be shown in cinemas as the part of the collection of adverts and trailers that are shown before a movie start. It will also be shown at the beginning of these to give people time to go buy the ice cream from the snacks bar.
According to the British Film Institute (BFI) 57% of those who go see a romantic-comedy are women. Women also have big audiences for Drama's, Romance movies, Suspense and Comedies. Therefore, the advert can be place before any of the movies the fall in the mentioned genres. (BFI, 2012) 

Storyboard frames

1. CAMERA: Long shot , low angle, tilt up.
Clear shot of a cinema. Above the entrance the name of a Romantic-Comedy movie can be seen.
SFX: Street noises. 

2. CAMERA: Long shot, observer point.
The shot moves inside, at the snack bar, where two girls are discussing what they should buy as a movie snack. The girls are dressed in casual and trendy outfits. 
SFX: Light chatter in the background. 

3. CAMERA: Close up, zooming in, participant point.
The camera will zoom-in on one of the girls while she points at the popcorn.
SFX: Light chatter in the background.
GIRL 1: "Should we get popcorn?"

4. CAMERA: Medium shot, zooming in, participant point. 
The camera moves on the other girl, that will answer
SFX: Light chatter in the background.
GIRL 2:  "I don't want popcorn. I'm in the mood for something fresh and sweet."

5. CAMERA: Long shot, zooming in, observer point. 
The camera will show the attendant. Being behind the counter and very close to them, he heard their entire discussion.
SFX: Light chatter in the background.
ATTENDANT: "Why don't you try New Crunchy Fantasy ice cream from Muller?"

6. CAMERA: Close up, observer point.
While the attendant describes the ice cream, the shot will change to a cornetto ice cream (Crunchy Fantasy) and what it contains.  
ATTENDANT: "It offers the same flavours as the Müller Corner yogurts?"

7. CAMERA: Medium shot zooming in, low angle, observer point. 
The new shot shows the girls inside the screening room while consuming the ice cream with dreamy looks on their faces. The ice cream makes them imagine themselves as part of the movie. 
SFX: Romantic music can be heard from the movie.

8. CAMERA: Medium shot, observer point, dolly movement. 
The camera follows around the two girls after the movie ends, and they are shown walking away from the screening room, and one of them suddenly stops in her tracks.
SFX: Steps sounds.
GIRL2: "Wait! What was the movie about?"

9. CAMERA: Clear shot of the product.
A clear picture featuring one of the ice creams will be shown with the name (Müller Crunchy Fantasy) 
MVO: "Try the new Crunchy Fantasy ice cream from Müller."

TV advert
The advert will be shown on ITV1 and ITV2 between 8PM and 9PM during "Coronation Street" (over 9 million views per programme) and "Emmerdale" (over 7 million views per programme) to reach the target audience of ABC1 women over 35 years old, and C2DE women between 16 and 34. They also watch "You've been framed", "Desperate Housewives", "X Factor" and "How to look good naked", therefore the advert could also be shown during any of these programs.

Storyboard frames

1. CAMERA: Medium shot from observer point.
A woman in her thirties doing the monthly shopping in a supermarket
SFX: light tune

2. CAMERA: Medium shot from an observer point, dolly movement.
The shot moves on her reaching the frozen foods area.
SFX: light tune

3. Medium shot zooming in to close up.
While walking around with her shopping cart, she passes by two employees who are promoting the new Crunchy Fantasy from Müller.
SFX: light tune
MAN 1: "Would you like to try the New Crunchy Fantasy ice cream from Muller?"

4. Medium shot from a right angle.
SFX: light tune
MAN 2: "Each of the flavours is one that the Müller Corner yogurt has."
WOMAN: "Ok. Thank you!"

5. Close up from observer point. 
She tries the ice cream.
SFX: light tune

6. Medium shot from observer point. 
The background changes and she feels transported onto a beach, relaxing on a sun bed, where she enjoys her ice cream while the two guys promoting the ice cream, who are shirtless and really fit, are on each of her sides, fanning her with palm branches.
SFX: Mood music, waves crashing sound.

7. Medium shot from participant point.
She is suddenly brought back when her fantasy is interrupted by one of the promoters.
SFX: light tune
MAN 1: "What do you think? Are you enjoying it?"
WOMAN: "Oh, yes. I'm really enjoying this."

8. Long shot zooming in to medium shot, dolly effect.
The camera follows her as she moves around the frozen area and goes to the ice cream section, where she stops to grab a 10 pack of Müller Crunchy Fantasy.
SFX: light tune

9. Image of the product with relevant text.
A clear picture featuring one of the ice creams will be shown with the name (Müller Crunchy Fantasy) next to it.
SFX: Muller tune
MVO: "Try the new Crunchy Fantasy ice cream from Müller."

AdCracker (2012) Sample "Classic" Creative Brief for 2013. [Online]. Available from: [Last accessed 19th February 2013]

British Film Institute (2012) Opening our eyes. [Online]. Available from: [Last accessed 5th March 2013]

IPC Advertising (2012) Audience Uncovered – Upmarket Women. [Onlline] Available from: [Accessed 19th of January 2013].

MINTEL (2012) Ice cream – UK - July 2012. [Online]. Available from [Last accessed 19th January 2013]

MINTEL (2012) Yogurt and Desserts - UK - July 2012. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 9th February 2013].

Stones, M (2012) Scoop of the year. [Online]. Available from: [Last accessed 19th January 2013]