Friday 7 December 2012

Creative advertising - Volvo

Volvo is a Swedish car manufacturer, who's unique selling point (USP) is "safety". The brands target market are people between the ages of 25 and 54, although the under 35's don't buy the products. The following ideas of creative advertising will try to approach the younger generation.

The following advert is part of one of Volvo's campaigns. The "Almost completely safe." message helps the brand remind the viewer of the safety of the car while having a bit of fun. A humorous approach will be present in following creative ideas, as part of the strategy to approach the younger target audience.

The following adverts try to represent Volvo's USP in new or creative ways, it order to deliver a different tone, approach or target market.

1. Safe lock 
In this print advert the safety is represented through the safe lock that replaces the car's door handle. The Volvo logo will be represented on the safe lock. The aim of the ad is to illustrate the brands USP by comparing the car to a safe, hence safety.

2. Safari
The car will be featured in the safari, surrounded by animals, that are staying away. In the car there will be a family, the two parents and three kids. Under the adverts, there will be the tag line "Know they are safe."

3. Bad Weather Conditions
In this advert, the car will be featured as a convertible, and how during bad weather a thunder can hit it. The "Almost completely safe" tag line will be featured under the ad.

4. Zombie apocalypse  
This advert will feature some zombies running after a Volvo car during the zombie apocalypse. The tag line for the the advert will be "In case of zombies, get Volvo.", which will suggest that the car is safe even in the event of the zombie apocalypse. The advert can be used with the hit show 'The Walking Dead', and it will appeal to its audience.

5. Monster attacking city
The advert shows two friends running on the streets of a city. The city is under the attack of a monster. The monster start running into the direction of the two friends. One of the guys spots a Volvo in a parking lot. He start running towards it and tells his friend to follow. They get inside the Volvo and lock the doors. The monster keeps running in their direction destroying everything in its way. When he reaches the Volvo he hits his toe in the car and because of the pain he start running the other direction. The message displayed after the advert will read "Safe in ANY situation.". The advert will be featured in cinemas to go with the theme. 



1. CAMERA: Medium shot, observer point, dolly effect.
Two guys are running on the street.
SFX: People screaming, crashing noises, the roar of a monster. 

2. CAMERA: Long shot, wide angle from above.
A view of the monster terrorizing the city.
SFX: Monster roar, people screaming, crashing noises. 

3. CAMERA: Medium shot, high angle, dolly effect. 
One of the two guys spots a Volvo and starts running towards while telling his friend to do the same.
SFX: Crashing sounds, monster roar.
FRIEND 1: "Hey, there's a Volvo. Let's go there."

4. CAMERA: Long shot zooming in, dolly effect.
They start driving the car towards the monster.
SFX: Engine noise, monster roar, massive crash sound.

5. CAMERA: Long shot, high angle.
The monster gets hurt by the car.
SFX: Monster whining, car engine.

6. CAMERA: Long shot, wide angle, tilt up movement. 
The monster runs away from the city.
SFX: Crashing noises.

7. CAMERA: Clear shot.
Informational view. 
MVO: "Safe in any situation. VOLVO."

Reign, G. (no date) Volvo C30 Targets Generation Y. [Online]. Available from: [Last accessed 2nd December 2012]

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